Bachelor of Professional Studies

Woman at laptop on zoom call with nine people

Learning That Fits Your Life


我们知道,许多成年学生都在工作和家庭之间徘徊. The Bachelor of Professional Studies (B.P.S.) program was designed with this in mind. Choose the B.P.S. 计划实现你一直想要的东西,以一种适合你的方式. Interested?

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Apply for 2025

Spring 2025 Program

  • application period opens: August 1
  • 11月1日前申请,11月15日收到录取通知
  • classes begin: January 21 

Two Concentration Options

The B.P.S. 学士学位课程允许你从两个专业中选择一个, 每一项都包括本科学习证书(C.U.S.):

  • Organizational Leadership (C.U.S. in Workplace Diversity)
  • Social Services (C.U.S. in Nonprofit Studies)

每个集中强调多样性和道德, 同时有效地传授职业发展所需的概念和技能. 在艺术和科学方面也有一个基础.P.S. general education requirements. 

2 Courses at a Time

The B.P.S的设计是为了适应繁忙的工作成年人的时间表. Here’s how it works: 

  • 课程在秋季和春季学期进行 
  • 每学期分为两个为期7周的课程 
  • 2 courses are taught in each session  
  • 课程以混合在线形式提供
  • 每个学期的同步课程在一周的同一天连续教授
B.P.S. student at a computer



  • 异步=学生查看课程资料和完成作业,没有指定的课堂会议
  • 同步=学生和教师通过Zoom实时交谈、教学和学习


Admission Requirements

  • 24 years or older at time of application
  • 5年综合工作经验和/或军训
  • 从地区认可的学院或大学获得至少24个大学学分(您的成绩单必须直接来自学院或大学的官方成绩单), electronic format. 纸质副本或非官方成绩单将不被接受.) 
  • a cumulative college GPA of 2.0 or higher
  • no prior bachelor’s degree earned

请注意:当前RIC学生(仍在攻读学位)希望将专业改为B.P.S. need to submit a Change of Major Request to B.P.S. Form.

Tuition + Fees Per Semester (2024-2025)  

  • $358/credit
  • $105 technology fee
  • $52 library fee
  • $275 B.P.S. program fee

Financial Aid


Contact Financial Aid

Academic Components

  • 至少120个大学学分(包括最多75个转学学分)
  • concentration: 36–39 credits
  • 通识教育要求:40学分(部分学分可能来自之前的学分)
  • 先前学习档案和/或选修学分:如果需要达到毕业所需的120学分

B.P.S. Course Details

Required Courses

Course NumberCourse Title
BPS 100先前学习评估(PLA)组合开发
FYW 100Introduction to Academic Writing
ENGL 230W or ENGL 231W or ENGL 232WWorkplace Writing, Multimodal Writing, or Public and Community Writing
MATH 139Contemporary Mathematics or any math course numbered 177 or higher
PHIL 206Ethics
Arts & HumanitiesOne 100-level or higher course in art, dance, film, English (literature), history, modern languages, theatre
PSCI 250Science as a Way of Knowing (or any college level science course)
SOC 208The Sociology of Race & Ethnicity
SOC 306Work & Organization

请注意:组织领导专业的学生可以计算ECON 200,社会服务专业的学生可以将SWRK 325计入剩余的四门通识教育学分. 先前获得的大学学分将被评估,以确定哪些可以用来完成剩余的学分,以达到最低40个所需的通识教育学分. 


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Rhode Island College entrance


