
Jason Ryan的课


The First-Year Writing Program is dedicated to introducing students to the rhetoric, 实践, 以及对在学院写作的期望. 这样做的时候, it strives to help students understand the recursive process of writing; to invest in writing as a tool for discovery and understanding as well as conveyance; and to appreciate the ways in which different genres and situations require different ways of writing. 在这一切中, the FYW Program prioritizes the needs and experiences of students enrolled in its courses, and is committed to providing the best curriculum and instruction for those students.​


esball官方网的FYW项目邀请学生参加定向自我安置, 或DSP, 在注册FYW课程时.  DSP是一个写作安排过程,要求学生仔细考虑自己的写作能力, 它们与阅读和写作的关系, 他们对RIC写作的期望, 以及他们对自己满足大学和职业写作要求的能力的信心.  FYW计划为学生提供信息,并要求个人做出深思熟虑的决定, educated choice as to which FYW course best meets their needs.  The choice, and responsibility for that choice, rest with the student.

RIC的DSP由几个步骤组成, the first of which asks students to participate in a short survey.  在学生完成调查后,他们可以注册最符合他们需求的FYW课程. 

访问 在线调查.  

 esball官方网, FYW courses in 通识教育 (FYW 100; FYW 100Plus; FYW 100Honors) meet four 通识教育成果 (Written Communication; Critical and Creative Thinking; 研究 and Information Literacy; and Collaborative Work). 我们还在很大程度上借鉴了写作项目管理员(WPA)第一年作文成果声明(v3).0),并请读者参阅该声明,以便对以下一些项目进行更深入的讨论. In the interest of localizing the WPA Outcomes Statement, we provide this guidance.

We remind readers that FYW courses are introductory; none of the outcomes listed below will be “complete” upon conclusion of the course. FYW项目希望学生在学术和职业生涯的其他阶段有机会建立这些“思维习惯”. At RIC, students can expect to build on these outcomes in the following ways:

  • 通识教育 courses that address the Written Communication Outcome
  • Writing in the Disciplines (WID) course(s) in every major
  • 体验式学习和/或顶点课程

In the following sections, we articulate two overarching Outcomes. 第一个, 修辞形势, 能够理解修辞情境的元素(见下文)如何影响我们的写作选择. 第二个, 过程意识, 建议学生应该把写作作为一个过程——作者在写作的不同时刻(有时是递归的)制定不同的写作策略和习惯. 在一起, 这些结果帮助学生理解和发现最好的可用工具和资源,从而创造出最有效的文本. 研究表明,这两个结果是帮助学生将他们在FYW中学到的知识转移到其他写作课程和任务中的几个结果之一.



Writers and 设计ers compose in response to 修辞形势s. The most effective and persuasive writing responds, 尽可能多, to different elements of the 修辞形势. 这些包括但不限于:

  • 作者
  • 观众
  • 目的
  • 紧急esball官方网
  • 类型
  • 约束/上下文
  • 媒体

Upon successful completion of FYW, students should

  • be introduced to the concept of writing as rhetorical and situational
  • be introduced to different elements of the 修辞形势
  • 有机会看到一个作家分析和回应修辞情况的能力如何帮助确定文本的有效性
  • understand how changes in the 修辞形势 (i.e., a new 观众 or a different purpose) may affect the text produced
  • consider how rhetorical modes might work together to create persuasive texts (multimodal)
  • consider how technology and diverse media influence, 回复, and/or create 修辞形势s (multimedia)
  • have the opportunity to compose multimodal and multimedial texts
  • have the opportunity to compose in response to 修辞形势s. 那就是:尽可能多, FYW中学生撰写的文本应该回应并帮助创造真实的修辞情境

有效的写作几乎总是依赖于一个过程,这个过程在某种程度上取决于作者和修辞的情况(一个定时的作文考试), 例如, might allow for fewer significant 修订s; a white paper might require a great deal of 研究).

Upon successful completion of FYW 100/100P/100H, 学生应熟悉以下概念,并在本学期中有机会使用这些概念. 虽然写作过程的要素在这里以一种可能传达时间或线性的方式列出, each concept may be employed at different points in a writing task; repeatedly; or not at all. And each concept loops back to another: 研究 can be an invention strategy, 而编辑可能会导致修改. 最后, 学生反思写作过程和在写作过程中选择修辞的能力, 然后写, 研究, 修改, 或者根据这样的思考进行编辑, 是至关重要的. Responding to such reflections is an integral part of a writer’s process.


定义: 这一阶段通常被称为写作前阶段,通常涉及启发,如头脑风暴, 自由写作, 预写, 映射, 概述, etc. But the label of “预写” suggests that invention is the first task of writing; in reality, students may be called upon to invent and reinvent for a number of reasons.

FYW: 在FYW课程中,学生应提供:

  • 探索概念的时间和空间
  • 尝试新想法的机会
  • opportunities to build on the work and ideas of others
  • opportunities to discover areas of inquiry-based on data and 研究
  • opportunities to draw on prior knowledge and cultural experiences


定义: 《贝博esball官方网站》是一份综合性文件,旨在定义研究. 为了FYW的目的, we emphasize the introductory nature of the course and the iterative nature of 研究. 研究是一种途径, 评价, and use of information from beyond the writer/author’s personal knowledge. 研究 can inform all stages in a student’s writing process.

FYW: In FYW courses, students should engage in discussion and practice concerning:

  • what constitutes a credible source for each student’s project
  • how one might evaluate sources for their credibility, usefulness, and accuracy
  • how students might search (and re-search) for credible information
  • 学生如何在自己的文章(摘要)中可靠地运用他人的观点, 释义, 报价, 插入, etc.)
  • 如何进行学科研究, 为了不同目的, 观众, 和流派, 可能会影响一个人的行为, 定位, 利用研究
  • 为什么归因和引用很重要, 理解不同的修辞情境需要不同类型和类型的归因和引用


定义: Drafting is the act of writing or creating version(s) of a text. 草稿可以是探索性的, 未完成的, 无光泽的, and unedited; they often are part of the invention process. 修订是审查/重新设想草案以便对草案进行更改的行为, ideally in light of 观众 feedback; writers 修改 in order to better 回复 a 修辞形势 in both content and style. The goal of 修订, in general, is to produce more effective texts.

FYW: In FYW courses, students should be encouraged:

  • to draft as many versions of a text as practical in a given semester/session
  • to 修改 each draft carefully and deliberately
  • to see earlier drafts as often incomplete and messy
  • to distinguish between the conventions of a draft and that of a finished text
  • 区分修改和编辑
  • 征求听众的反馈意见, in a variety of ways: written and verbal comments; peer review sessions; individual and group conferences
  • to use feedback to create more effective drafts through 修订
  • 从修订到提交草案


定义: Proofreading is the practice of rereading/reviewing/revisiting a text with an eye towards surface-level clarity; it may require a review of grammar, 力学, 使用, 设计, 和约定. Editing is the practice of making surface-level changes to a text, 通常是对仔细校对的回应.

FYW: In FYW courses, students should be encouraged:

  • 把校对和编辑看作是写作过程中的最后一步——校对和编辑不应该干扰发明创造, 起草, 修订, 或研究
  • to consider issues of correctness and standardization as social conventions
  • to distinguish between global and local issues in writing
  • 理解语法问题, 力学, 使用, 设计, and convention are not always about correctness, 而是关于目的, 观众, 和精神
  • to see technology as one of several tools writers employ when proofreading and editing